“Toshimaen” is a Japanese horror-thriller film, also known as "Eiga: Toshimaen", directed by Hiroshi Takahashi, starring actors Rie Kitahara, Kojima Fujiko, Nana Asakawa, and Ruka Matsuda, based on a real-life urban legend. The story is about a college student, Hayashi, who returns to the amusement park "Toshimaen" with her high school friends and unexpectedly, they heard the rumored secret curse on the Internet. Driven by curiosity, they came to an ancient western-style building and knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, this behavior led to a series of terrorist phenomena. Not only did their friends disappear one after another, but Hayashi gradually found the terrible truth hidden behind paradise in the process.
“Countdown” is an American horror-thriller film released in 2019, directed by Justin Dec, starring Elizabeth Lail, Jordan Calloway, and Talitha Bateman, the plot tells the heroine Quinn driven by curiosity to download the APP that can predict the time of death, learned that only three days of life left to live, at first Quinn thought it was just a boring prank, did not expect the people around once downloaded but As the time draws near, unexplained visions begin to appear around her, and she must save her life before the countdown ends.
Immersive viewing experience
I often hear people say, "If only I could know what would happen tomorrow." Many people wish they could have the ability to foresee the future, whether it is to know the future in advance so that they can live a smoother life, or to use a little ingenuity to gain benefits from it, I believe it can bring many benefits. However, have we ever thought, if one day we see the future, reflecting the eyes not to live a happy and happy life, but their death or death appearance, so what will be the impact on their mood and various choices in life afterward? The director, Justin Dec, has put forward his imagination with “Countdown”.
“The Cave" is a Thai action thriller film released in 2020, directed by Tom Waller and starring actors Jim Vonni, Arpa Pawillai, Eoin O'Brien, and Ron Smooenburg. The story is based on the 2018 Thai teenage soccer team "Wild Boars" trapped in the Sleeping Beauty Cave The plot tells the story of 12 players and coaches who went to the Sleeping Beauty Cave in northern Thailand to explore after completing training but were unfortunately stranded in the cave due to heavy rain.
“Greenland” is an American disaster action movie released in 2020, directed by Ric Roman Waugh, starring actors Gerard Butler, Morena Baccarin, Scott Glenn, and David Denman, the plot tells the story of the off-track "Clark" comet is about to burst through the atmosphere, as the world falls into the panic of the countdown to destruction, father John must overcome all difficulties in order to survive, the lucky government selected family to take refuge in the shelter, in the seconds of life and death, he will also face his own unimagined challenges.
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